strip of land

美 [strɪp əv lænd]英 [strɪp ɒv lænd]
  • 一片狭长的土地
strip of landstrip of land
  1. Before the land reform my family hadn 't a single room or a strip of land .


  2. At last they saw a beautiful strip of land with blue mountains .


  3. The two countries have disputed for years over a small strip of land on their border


  4. In a minute he was in the center of the narrow strip of land .


  5. We could hear across a little strip of land the pounding of the surf .


  6. A relatively narrow strip of land ( with water on both sides ) connecting two larger land areas .


  7. It was on a strip of land that we call a parkway .


  8. The war be cause by a dispute over the annexe of a strip of land


  9. The great black strip of land that lay mysterious and silent on the other side of the river .


  10. One and a half million Palestinians live in the narrow strip of land where most people depend on aid .


  11. Shore suggests the limits of a lake or sea , or a narrow strip of land next to the water


  12. For hundreds of years this strip of land has belonged to our family . I know every inch of it .


  13. This region , plus a strip of land bordering Ukraine , is now Moldova .


  14. A narrow elongated projecting strip of land . The glass was heated and drawn out into a thin tube .


  15. I reach for the long , thin fingers that are lying on the chest . a narrow elongated projecting strip of land .


  16. The so-called buffer zone is a strip of land that borders Georgia and its breakaway region of South O etia .


  17. It is virtually landlocked save for a small strip of land on the Adriatic Sea , centered around the city of Neum .


  18. Far below the level of the city 's streets , the Docks rest at the bottom of the city 's eastern cliffs on a narrow strip of land .


  19. Just along the street from our new house was an abandoned strip of land that people used as a rubbish dump - there is no rubbish collection in Swat .


  20. Armstrong was the leader of a gang of rough men from Clary 's Grove , a strip of land three miles from the village .


  21. The town is separated from mainland Germany by a narrow strip of land , which measures about 700 meters ( 765 yards ) at its narrowest point .


  22. For those of you who don 't know the northeast costal region , Cape Cod is a peninsula , a narrow strip of land that jets out into the Atlantic ,


  23. A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the Coted'Or , a30-mile ( 48-kilometer ) strip of land in Bourgogne ( Burgundy ), France .


  24. Gaza is a densely populated strip of land and U.N. aid officials report that among those killed in the Israeli bombings are at least 60 Palestinian civilians , including more than 30 children .


  25. Mr. Lord knew that Ms. Cate 's favorite place in the world was Bird Island in North Carolina , an uninhabited strip of land just a short bike ride from her hometown , Sunset Beach .


  26. With no land bridge to Russia , it relies on Ukraine for about 25 % of its gas , 70 % of its water , and 90 % of its electricity , all of which it imports over a small strip of land that connects it to the mainland .


  27. And but a narrow strip between Of land and shadow lies .


  28. Beyond that lay a broad strip of neutral land reaching to the territory of the neighboring tribe ;


  29. For weeks , the strip of Syrian land in the northwest lying next to Turkey has been a de facto buffer zone .


  30. The golden sea its mirror spreads Beneath the golden skies , And but a narrow strip between Of land and shadow lies .
